LCD Font Generator is useful to make character or symbol fonts for any Graphical LCD Device, use for microcontrollers.
When you make a powerful project, using graphic LCD, here’s a question : how can make a beauty and nice font for it, simple and fast ?
LFG answer you and make beauty fonts easily, using wizards and then export it to a ‘.h’ (C compilers header file).
This header file contain all data of your font where it can use for C compiles such as CodeVision, WinAvr, and similar C Compilers.
Download : LFG (Lcd font generator) (7119 downloads )
Sample fonts :
I will share to you some of the fonts generated by LFG. You can send me your designed fonts (.LFF) to
I will share them with your name and your email if you like.
Name : ABC Sample
Author : elvand
ABCsample.lff (1122 downloads )
Name : Alefba ( Persian characters )
Author : elvand
Name : EN Standard
Author : elvand
EnStandard.lff (1236 downloads )