First you need to install sqlite3 module.
- In Pycharm please go to File>Settings>Project:YourProjectName > Project interpreter : then on the right side click on + and search sqlite3
Generally , jetbrains is very interested in complicating his menus .
- In Thoony go to tools > Manage Packages… and search sqlite3
Please download SQLite from here :
SQLite Studio is a very useful IDE for SQLite.
Create a database connection to a SQLite database :
import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Error def create_SQLiteConnection(DbFileName): Connection = None try: Connection = sqlite3.connect(DbFileName) print(sqlite3.version) except Error as e: print("Create connection failed because : ",e) return Connection
Create a Table in a Database :
def create_SQLiteTable(SQLiteConnection, create_table_sql): try: c = SQLiteConnection.cursor() c.execute(create_table_sql) except Error as e: print("Create Table failed because : ",e)
Insert To table :
def insert_personel(Connection, personel): sql = ''' INSERT INTO Personels(pname,begin_date,end_date) VALUES(?,?,?) ''' cur = Connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, personel) Connection.commit() return cur.lastrowid def insert_access(Connection, acc): sql = ''' INSERT INTO access(acctitle,priority,status_id,personel_id,begin_date,end_date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?) ''' cur = Connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, acc) Connection.commit() return cur.lastrowid #TEST database = r"accsqlite.db" sql_create_personels_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Personels ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, pname text NOT NULL, begin_date text, end_date text ); """ sql_create_accesss_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS access ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, acctitle text NOT NULL, priority integer, status_id integer NOT NULL, personel_id integer NOT NULL, begin_date text NOT NULL, end_date text NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (personel_id) REFERENCES Personels (id) );""" Connection = create_SQLiteConnection(database) if Connection is not None: create_SQLiteTable(Connection, sql_create_personels_table) create_SQLiteTable(Connection, sql_create_accesss_table) personel = ('Masoud Ebrahimi', '2021-01-01', '2021-01-30'); personel_id = insert_personel(Connection, personel)
Update a table :
def update_access(Connection, acc): sql = ''' UPDATE access SET priority = ? , begin_date = ? , end_date = ? WHERE id = ?''' cur = Connection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, acc) Connection.commit() #TEST update_access(Connection, (2, '2021-02-04', '2015-03-06', 2))
Select from a table :
def select_all_accesss(Connection): cur = Connection.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM access") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row)
Complete sample code :
import sqlite3 from sqlite3 import Error def create_SQLiteConnection(DbFileName): SQLiteConnection = None try: SQLiteConnection = sqlite3.connect(DbFileName) print(sqlite3.version) except Error as e: print("Create SQLiteConnection failed because : ",e) return SQLiteConnection def create_SQLiteTable(SQLiteConnection, create_table_sql): try: c = SQLiteConnection.cursor() c.execute(create_table_sql) except Error as e: print("Create Table failed because : ",e) def insert_personel(SQLiteConnection, personel): sql = ''' INSERT INTO Personels(pname,begin_date,end_date) VALUES(?,?,?) ''' cur = SQLiteConnection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, personel) SQLiteConnection.commit() return cur.lastrowid def insert_access(SQLiteConnection, acc): sql = ''' INSERT INTO access(acctitle,priority,status_id,personel_id,begin_date,end_date) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?) ''' cur = SQLiteConnection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, acc) SQLiteConnection.commit() return cur.lastrowid def update_access(SQLiteConnection, acc): sql = ''' UPDATE access SET priority = ? , begin_date = ? , end_date = ? WHERE id = ?''' cur = SQLiteConnection.cursor() cur.execute(sql, acc) SQLiteConnection.commit() def select_all_accesss(SQLiteConnection): cur = SQLiteConnection.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM access") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) def select_access_by_priority(SQLiteConnection, priority): cur = SQLiteConnection.cursor() cur.execute("SELECT * FROM access WHERE priority=?", (priority,)) rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) def main(): database = r"accsqlite.db" sql_create_personels_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Personels ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, pname text NOT NULL, begin_date text, end_date text ); """ sql_create_accesss_table = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS access ( id integer PRIMARY KEY, acctitle text NOT NULL, priority integer, status_id integer NOT NULL, personel_id integer NOT NULL, begin_date text NOT NULL, end_date text NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY (personel_id) REFERENCES Personels (id) );""" # create a database SQLiteConnection SQLiteConnection = create_SQLiteConnection(database) # create tables if SQLiteConnection is not None: # create Personels table create_SQLiteTable(SQLiteConnection, sql_create_personels_table) # create access table create_SQLiteTable(SQLiteConnection, sql_create_accesss_table) personel = ('Masoud Ebrahimi', '2021-01-01', '2021-01-30'); personel_id = insert_personel(SQLiteConnection, personel) # access access_1 = ('Access to Main door from main controller', 1, 1, personel_id, '2015-01-01', '2015-01-02') access_2 = ('Access to the North gate', 1, 1, personel_id, '2015-01-03', '2015-01-05') # create access insert_access(SQLiteConnection, access_1) insert_access(SQLiteConnection, access_2) update_access(SQLiteConnection, (2, '2021-02-04', '2015-03-06', 2)) print("1. Query acc by priority:") select_access_by_priority(SQLiteConnection, 1) print("2. Query all access") select_all_accesss(SQLiteConnection) else: print("Error! cannot create the database SQLiteConnection.") if __name__ == '__main__': main()