My projects ...

Professional software Updater
I’ve developed a lot of software for different places over the last twenty years. From companies, small shops and workshops

Software Validator
If you are also a high quality software company and you want to perform validation operations while installing the software

Star NVR
For more than five years, I was a commission manager and specialist in setting up CCTV and access control and

Face Recognition (Software & Hardware)
Intelligent face recognition system and automatic measurement of human body temperature. Comprehensive “StarAccess” access control software and time attendance to

OLEDH (Image to Hex)
With OLEDH you can convert Image/logo/icon to Hex to use in graphic lcd and oled. Please download OLEDH from here

Access Control Software and Hardware
I have worked with access control products for many years and have installed and configured them. Among them were many

LFG (LCD Font generator) – LCD Font Maker
LCD Font Generator is useful to make character or symbol fonts for any Graphical LCD Device, use for microcontrollers. When

GoldenDict is an open-source dictionary program that gives translations of words and phrases for different languages. It allows the use
My tutorials ...

Python and SQLite
First you need to install sqlite3 module. In Pycharm please go to File>Settings>Project:YourProjectName > Project interpreter : then on the

Python and Microsoft Access
Everything about python and Microsoft Access (Step by Step) : First download and install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable

Quick Sort + Binary Search
QuickSort is a Divide and Conquer algorithm. It picks an element as pivot and partitions the given array around the

Welcome to Masoud Ebrahimi personal website
Welcome to my personal website. My name is Masoud Ebrahimi. I’m a developer. Python, Java and Delphi Developer Python (NumPy,